Friday, September 18, 2020

Material Bank: The Plan to Digitize Physical Material

Material Bank is a platform that acts as a vast resource library for the physical materials used by the Architect and Design community.  Traditionally, each firm has maintained a physical library of samples from hundreds of suppliers with thousands of SKUs for items ranging from carpet to ceiling lamps and everything in between. It’s an industry of physical material, and as such has been slow to build a digital user experience that coincides with the expectations of the modern designer popularized in large part to Amazon.

It’s in this environment that Adam Sandow, the founder and CEO of Material Bank, has found a way to transform the industry.

 “We all used to book airline travel through an agent, and then the airlines offered websites,” said Sandow. “We thought ‘this is great! I can just go to or to book my flights.’ Until we wanted to price shop. Then you had to search four or five different websites and write down all the prices and by the time you found the price you wanted, it may be gone.” -source TechCrunch

Beyond the convince of being able to coordinate the arrival of a designers selection in the same shipment, the site offers a power database for the industry to search.  In no other way has the ability to search for a “Red+Geometric+Upholstery+Meets California Flame Requirements” been possible across so many vendors.  

The shakeup in the industry with designers being able to search so easily across such a wide array of suppliers will mean that suppliers will have to think not only of the designs of their product, but how customers will search for them on this new platform.  Categories which were dominated by only 2 or 3 main players that were able to secure shelf space in a designers library, will find they are competing against hundreds of brands.  Being able to account for the way designers are searching on the platform, and standing out amongst the crowd will be key to finding success in the digital space for these physical material suppliers.

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