Friday, December 4, 2020

Reddit shares a glimpse behind the curtain, revealing a super-powered base

 Reddit recently, for the first time ever, revealed its daily user count and growth vs. YAG. They shared the info with good reason, too: 52MM daily users (a 44% increase vs. YAG), is quite the flex. While not even going close to toe-to-toe with Facebook's goliath numbers, their public share is revealing. Reddit is making the mainstream push.

Is this an effort to woo advertisers? Certainly if I were considering a Reddit campaign I would want to know the available reach. Others have dabbled in advertising and found Reddit's userbase to require extra consideration. Reddit has done well for itself so far, not disclosing profitability but showing strong revenues. I expect that this transparency is part of a push to encourage additional ad spending, helping break even if they have not done so, already.

Does this mean Reddit is growing responsibly, or are they flailing in the deep end looking for a lifeline? One blogger suggests that advertising on Reddit is challenging, and the base does not engage with adverts much at all. Organic posts on Reddit seem to fare better, likely because users don't immediately realize they are being advertised to.

Maybe while Reddit is a good way to engage with fans of your brand or increase awareness through a well-designed engagement strategy, inorganic advertising has some kinks to be worked out.

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