Saturday, December 12, 2020

What will 2021 look like with Influencer Marketing?

Based on marketing industry data, influencer marketing is on track to become a $15 billion dollar industry by 2022 and it shows no sign of slowing down.  Most brands who have continued to double down on their social media marketing strategies intend to increase their marketing budgets for influencer marketing in 2021.

Some influencer marketing trends that are suspected to be drivers of social media marketing strategy  are the following:

  • Video Content Will Remain King
  • A Focus on Diversity and Inclusion
  • The “No-Edit Edit” Will Evolve
  • Value Driven Content
  • More Ongoing Partnerships
  • A Focus on Micro and Nano Influencers
  • New Social Platforms and Creator Tools
  • New Forms of Influencer Media

With social media platforms like Instagram and TikTok continuing to focus on delivering content through video and continued popularity among these active users, it is no surprise that video content will remain king. Furthermore, we have seen how social activism through various moments in 2020 have shown a spotlight on the need for diversity and inclusion of LGBTQ. As more brands are put under the microscope by their customers, their choice in who they partner with for their influencer marketing campaigns will be central to their strategy.

I believe the most important trends will be how influencers will approach content creation and drive deeper connections and value for the brands they support. For influence and brands to establish a deeper connection with their audience, their content will have to feel more “real” and “relatable” to their followers. This of course is how relationships, trust and loyalty can be established between users and influencers, and as a result, more influencers will have to provide their audiences with a little more glimpse into their authentic lives. However, striking a balance where authenticity and brand messaging is delivered without alienating followers will be challenging feat so it will be interesting to see what new forms of influencer media is developed to tackling this issue.

As we know whether the demand for products and services comes from followers, brands, or new technological developments, the best influencers have mastered the art of evolving to new trends. I have no doubt we can expect to see exciting new content and influencer marketing approaches across all of the social media platforms in 2021!

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