Saturday, November 21, 2020

The Future of Black Friday Shopping

This year will be a very different holiday shopping experience. There is no doubt that online shopping will increase this holiday season as we continue to socially distance. Amazon and other e-retailers will be well positioned to benefit from the holiday shopping activity as in store events might even be cancelled or are shifting online as stores do not want to attract large crowd. Target, Kohl's, and Walmart have already decided to keep their doors closed.

This holiday season may just be the first push to a quite different Black Friday shopping of the future.

Here are a few things that will make holiday shopping a different experience this year and may even stay.

  • Curbside pickup has become popular not just for restaurants during the pandemic and is likely going to stay. It will take a while until we get comfortable using mass transportation and customers with a car will continue run errands using curbside pickup. Curbside pickup may be a way for brick and mortar retailers to stay relevant and claim a share of sales otherwise moving to online retailer. (
  • Black Friday won’t be just on Friday this year. It’s more like a month as retailers are trying to lure shoppers to make purchases. Deals might be even better and available online this year as customers have been to lure more shoppers. 
  • QR Codes have gained popularity to receive special offers or updates by scanning a QR code in a  magazine or store front. The Black Friday of the future will probably turn toward tech to make this a more immersive experience such as AR ad circulars where you can scan QR codes and see special deals and product information on your phone.
  • Amazon has some exclusive offers just for Amazon Alexa ( to get customers to use voice enabled shopping
It will surely be an interesting holiday season for the retail industry.

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