Monday, November 30, 2020

What Facebook's Acquisition of Kustomer means for the future of Social Commerce


Facebooks $1 billion dollar acquisition of CRM platform Kustomer is a strong single at how Facebook views the future of its own platform.  Customers aren't concerned with the particular channel, as much as they are about getting brands to respond to them.  Incorporating Kustomer's technology with Facebook is a move toward onmi-channel communication for companies with customers regardless of the particular channel the customer reaches out.  If small companies are able to focus their efforts on a single platform but reach customers wherever they are across the internet, it will be a boost to Facebook.  They will become the defacto platform for any business looking to extend their reach.  Beyond the advertising channel, they will become the platform that small to medium companies may begin to run their entire marketing departments.

This purchase, as well, helps to provide context for the Salesforce acquisition of Slack.  Although not directly comparable, enough similarities to see the way companies are viewing the importance of having CRM capabilities built into the social platforms companies are using to understand how to effectively target customers on the web.  Facebook acquired WhatsApp and has made moves to utilize the app to make transactions easier for businesses.  

Salesforce can see these moves by Facebook to transition into the business software business as a threat. Facebook's previous acquisitions have traditionally been with the intent to provide additional features for its users.  These moves single that software companies catering to the business should beware of the tech giants which are responding to the way customers have embraced social media, and its ability to conduct commerce. 


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