Monday, November 23, 2020

Will AR dominate our next decade?

 Smart phone, especially iPhone, defines the decade of 2010-2020. “Mobile first” become the motto of most tech companies. What will the next thing that will define the next decade? Apple again, might have the answer for us – AR. 


AR made its debut to mainstream users with a hit game Pokemon Go, as well as other furniture apps. While other big techs all have been actively exploring goggles and glasses for AR, every new iPhone 12 Pro has a depth-sensing lidar sensor that can do advanced 3D-scanning for a depth map as well as more AR capabilities. Apple is keen on making AR work with what everyone already has – their phone than another extra device. However, we predict that one killer app is needed to kick off the AR in mass consumers. Right now, there are more than 10,000 iOS apps that use AR, that helps people to live their lives better. COVID also accelerated the trend for AR adaptation by forcing many of the physical stores to close. Furniture and home improvement has been the first to try out AR, and Home Depot data showed that people are more like to buy if they use the AR. Art exhibition can also use the location information to “install” art wherever they would like.

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