Saturday, September 29, 2012

Time to Spend Some on Content Marketing

This is an excerpt based on the article in eMarketer.
According to the report by SEOmoz, Among different type of inbound marketing tools, SEO is the most prevalent. However other inbound strategies in the last year proved to be very strong tools for marketers.
Although It appears that these categories of tactics are not independent of each other and highly receive impacts from the content. So what is now marketers very eager to spend time on.
SEO is the most widely tactic being used day by day by marketers, and content ads are lagging behind. However visual and written short form posts and contents are now even a part of the social and SEO marketing.
This includes, blog posts(the most used), tweets, statuses in social contexts, video, images, etc.

Widely used categories in visual context is the videos from Youtube used for content marketing which is more utilized than in SEO tactics. This is also true for video sharing websites.

As could be seen still the main basic concentration is on SEO, less on social, and even less on content marketing. However reports show that the use of the content and social marketing have gone through their greatest impact since the last year. This offers to put some more time and effort on those that have been used less. Another way offered by reports is also the integration of different tactics for offering contents.

SEO, Social and Content Marketing in Top Demand, SEP 24, 2012, eMarketer newsletter

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