Friday, November 9, 2012

Best Time To Send Email

   From the last class, we've learn how to conduct “Email Marketing”: List development, content strategy, and message triggers and cadence. As a matter of fact, I was so impressive about the importance and effectiveness of Email Marketing that I tried to found additional resources to learn further. Among them, I picked one of meaningful sources to share with you. The subject is “Best Time to Send Email [info graphic]”

   These days, many companies have an email strategy in place. However, even though they are good at getting the valid email lists, reviewing and suggesting the target audience, to determine the appropriate frequency for time based communications and to trigger based communications available through customer touch points are key success factors for email marketing. According to the writing I share with you, researchers analyzed 21 million messages sent from US accounts in the 1st quarter of 2012 to determine top open and click-through times. They also analyzed the recipients’ top engagement times — all to test their thesis: sending times matters and message results depend on reader engagement routines, not just a little but a lot.

   The results are following: Emails have the best results within the 1st hour after delivery. This is when 23.63% of all emails are opened. But 24 hours after delivery, the average open rate is close to zero. Almost 40% of all messages are sent between 6 a.m. and noon. This can result in inbox clutter, and significantly decrease results for these emails. Interestingly, messages sent in the early afternoon have a better chance of being noticed and consequently achieve better results: up to 10.61% open ratio and up to 2.38% CTR. Subscribers’ top engagement times are 8 a.m. – 10 a.m. and 3 p.m.- 4 p.m. with up to 6.8% average open rates and CTR.

   As the results shows, to achieve best performance from email marketing, companies should schedule delivery of their email taking into consideration the following: Emails reach the best results within 1 hour after landing in the inbox. If recipients are occupied with other activities, they won’t be able to engage while it’s still fresh, and your message will be crowded out by more recent messages. In addition, to optimize the engagement rates for their message, they should schedule it to hit the inbox no later than 1 hour before the top open times, when its chances of getting noticed are the highest. Lastly, if their emailing goes to worldwide lists, make sure to use solutions that optimize delivery times in different time zones.

   All in all, in order to success email marketing, companies need to keep in mind that key outputs for the email stage are List of trigger based touch points with message points, content strategy and frequency suggestions by audience, and messaging cadence for sample customer journeys.                                           

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