Saturday, November 17, 2012

Search Dead by 2020?

AdAge Article:  Google's fight to Kill Search by 2020

Interesting read on how technology companies are trying to take the next step to get to the world beyond search.  

"It's the war on search, a war whose most interesting battle will be the one Google is waging against itself"

 It's concept that has been in movies as early as 2002 (Minority Report) although it was a little more interactive and required some pretty accurate retina scanning software :) .   The concept in its simplest form would be relevant discounts (location based) but at its smartest can be proactive in nature and predict/shape interactions.   Ex.  Give you a potential grocery list of items and discounts based on when it think you're going to need items.

Mobile data plays an ever increasing role in this... marriage between geographic location, travel and social routine information will be key.   Certain categories of search will be disrupted more than others.   Areas where predictability is easier.   Obviously this is not going to happen overnight but there is a strong path for it come to fruition over the next decade. 

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