Friday, November 30, 2012

Tell me it ain't so ... brand impressions take over baby names !

Source:   Apple-branded babies on the rise

 This seems to be a scary trend which I hope doesn't continue.   Names centered around the Apple phenomenon are on the rise.    "Apple" for girls rose 15%, Mac for boys rose 12% and Siri jumped up by 15%.    While I can understand the need for using trendy terms for businesses, social media campaigns and other marketing modes / channels, do we need to extend the branding to our kids?

I know some folks might argue that these are perfectly plausible names or have been around long before these terms (especially Siri came into the forefront).   That being said the source for baby names isn't just smartphone and all things "i"<Something>...

Other sources of inspiration range from the latest and greatest books -- "50 Shades of Grey", events -- "London Olympics", Presidential Elections -- <POTUS names are on the rise>. [ Source: Babycenter List of Names ] 

What does this mean for brands?   Well for one thing they carry more influence than ever.   A well thought out brand name, approach, marketing can leave an everlasting (multiple generations) impression.


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