Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Is Facebook in trouble?

Recently some organizations have asked for employees facebook login information during the interview process so they can be monitored for any unethical behavior.  Is it just me, or does this seem like a complete invasion of privacy and is intrusive?

It  makes me wonder if this is a major problem for facebook and will lead to more niche social providers that "corporate america' isn't as familiar with.   For me personaly,  I have posted less over the last couple of years and am not any where near as engaged on facebook as I once was when I knew it was just my college buddies seeing everything.  

I think there is an opportunity for communities to emerge that are only for certain groups.  Google is doing this currently.  With more a of a marketing push, I would not be surprised if more people makes the switch. And facebook will almost become a linkedin.


  1. From a corporate culture perspective this sounds like a horrible company. I would argue that this level of scrutiny into an employee's private life will drive the best talent to their competition and create a work environment that is not efficient. At the end if the day fostering an open and trusting work environment pays its own dividends.

  2. Thank you from management goes a long way.
