Friday, November 30, 2012

Do More Facebook Friends Mean More Stress?


   After reading the article,” When Worlds Collide: Do More Facebook Friends Mean More Stress?”, I have to admit that I agree with the author, Kristin Burnham.  I am a person who uses Facebook every day.  So, the issue from the article does matter to me.  It’s obvious that people usually judge a person by his or her Facebook page.  Thus, I try to manage my persona as not only friendly but also professional toward others.  For example, I do not post any content which can be aggressive to others or content regarding anything that could be easily misunderstood, such as politics, religion, or sensitive gender issues.  In addition, I always try to be polite and friendly to all of my friends on Facebook, even though, as the article says, this can sometimes be stressful.  

   I also believe these trends can impact the decisions that companies make about their marketing strategies.  These days, companies invest a lot of resources on their social media accounts, not to mention Facebook pages, to build an impressive brand image.  The more popular their Facebook pages are, the more careful companies should be in what they present, because there are an increasing number of people who judge a company by its Facebook page.  In addition, there are important and complicated online issues for a company to handle such as harassment, rumors and bullying. Therefore, companies need to make an effort to manage their social media accounts by using new methods they did not have to consider in the past. To be specific, some examples I recommend would be to make precise online guidelines for their marketers, and to build online risk management systems. 

1 comment:

  1. Great information. This works great for me. Thanks for sharing this.
