Saturday, November 10, 2012

Digital to Help You De-Stress?

Given the stress we often feel in EMBA, I was interested in reading this article to see what the Huffington Post was going to tell me about how they will help me de-stress.

All 13 lifestyle sections of the Huffington Post online are required to run one post daily that helps readers lower their stress levels.  For example, the Divorce section was ran a slideshow entitled "34 Ways to Relieve Stress During Divorce." 

I find this interesting because I think digital itself can raise peoples' stress levels.  Technology is a great tool, but can often be frustrating if it is not working as desired and if someone is going through a divorce, they may find it more stressful to be online as they may be able to see their divorce mate on Facebook or Twitter which may cause them additional stress as they can't cut that person completely out of their life - they are forever tied to that person because we are all inter-connected via the web. 

The fact that the Huffington Post does see stress as an issue (and I agree that it appears people's stress levels are rising) is a positive step, especially becaue they refuse to sell ads against these stress-relieving editorial features (as ads can sometimes cause more stress).  However, the Huffington Post does think that the fact they are focusing on de-stressing will attract advertisers to run on the site overall though.

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