Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Digital Marketing Holiday Update

It was last year around this time that e-commerce hit a major milestone – Cyber Monday surpassed Black Friday as the biggest shopping day of 2011 and 2012 is projected to do even better.  

According to a survey by Experian market research, marketers will heavy up on a number of digital tactics this year.  Not surprisingly, email marketing, an online marketing mainstay, is likely to lead the charge as it has consistent proven itself a particularly cost-effective means of precision targeting.  We will also see an increase in the number and creativity of mobile campaigns as this market continues to mature.  Experian predicts the following strategies to play especially prominent roles this holiday season.
  • Email marketing
  • Mobile “text-to-join” program
  • Customer loyalty programs  
  • Retail address captures
  • Twitter & Facebook campaigns 
Mashable also posted an interesting infographic reporting on last year’s consumer shopping habits (below).

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