Thursday, November 1, 2012

Advertisers Are Still Missing the Mark With Online Video


This Ad Age article brings up a great point: many companies are miss using online video.  Most companies focus on it as a way to drive advertising dollars by featuring a commercial before a video on their website.  Then the video itself is often fairly poor, as companies are not willing to spend much on creating online videos.  The author brings up the point that when people want to know how to do something they search for it, so content companies should focus on creating videos that show up in search and simultaneously give people answers while also promoting a product.  For example, the author was trying to figure out how to barbecue a brisket and instead of searching for a recipe he just typed it into a search engine and sat through a bunch of weak videos before he found a good one.  The author brings up that point that Kingsford Charcoal (or any company associated with bbqs) could have easily created a video that would have shown up in the search and strengthened their brand recognition.

Personally, I think this is a great point.  I recently bough a house and constantly have to do home repairs.  Since I usually have no idea where to even start, i'm constantly googling different problems.  Once in a while i'll find a helpful video from Lowe's or Home Depot, but they almost never show up in searches and their video selections are pretty weak.  Instead I often find videos on sites like that show exactly what to do, and give a great visual for the solution to the problem.

There is definitely an opening for companies to start focusing on creating quality video that emphasizes their brand and show up in searches.  It will be interesting to see who starts to capitalize on it, and how much it boosts their brands.

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