Saturday, October 13, 2012

Is Microsoft getting a little desperate for attention?

Some concepts and ideas go well together, like diamonds and marriage, others, like cloud service and rap, not so much. But I guess for an advertisement targeting a young energetic audience, this at least grabs some attention (10 thousand views as of this writing). Except that it is not who the service is targeted at: Azure is more for companies and developers. This rap is confusing in two ways: 1) it misses the target audience by a long shot; 2) the rap is barely understandable.

This isn't the first stumble microsoft has had recently, the stunt backfire at one of its stores is well known:
and the outrageous dance scene at the developer conference was also a nightmare

It seems that microsoft needs to rethink its marketing strategy and take a look at past advertisement of other companies, for example, nexus 7 camping advertisement. Googles nexus 7 ad was plain and clear about what it can do. More importantly, it painted an idea: it's not anything you don't know, but something that let's you share everything you love more simply. It leaves a resonating feeling like the classic Mac vs PC ads that they're witty, funny, and hard to forget.

However, the Azure ad now does nothing like that : it doesn't explain what it does clearly, it doesn't leave a lasting impression, it doesn't even focus on the right market

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