Friday, October 26, 2012

No Klout

Klout is one of the primary ways these days to mine social data from social networks to identify  "influencers" who can generate posts, tweets, etc. to drive product attention and ultimately sales.  It's had a lot of buzz since launching in 2008 and one's "klout score" can be a big deal.  High Klout scores can get you special treatment from companies like trips, sneak previews, etc.   According to a recent Businessweek story there are now two major competitors that can assist companies in better targeting "influencers."  Tellagence and Little Bird have attracted private capital and are building an infrastructure to better mine social media's 'big data.'   They are using proprietary behavioral models and algorithms to more closely indentify those who can matter most to particular products with particular audiences.  So, digital marketers may want to broaden their influencer strategy beyond the well known Klout and check out the ultility of Tellagence and Little Bird (not to be confused with Big Bird whose days are numbered in a Romney Administration.)

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