Friday, October 12, 2012

Oops ....sorry about the porn!

This week I was part of a group presenting a marketing campaign for a fashion forward website for plus-sized women.  Our task was to present various forms of advertising - print, online, store- front, etc. that represented strong and weak messaging around plus sized fashions.   We found a somewhat edgy but beautifully done video on You Tube which a well-known, plus-sized brand developed to market its intimate clothing line.  I am sure you can guess by now what related videos popped up immediately after the video – oh yeah – let’s just say a little more skin than we intended to show.

Amused but slightly embarrassed, I decided to figure out how to make sure this did not happen to me again.   The fact that I had to research this is in itself enough to explain how much if a newbie I am to all things techie.  I first turned to You Tube itself for help:
“You do not have control over what videos are displayed in the "Related Videos" section. These are automatically selected based on certain factors. If there are videos shown that you feel are inappropriate based on our Community Guidelines
(, please use the flagging feature beneath the video. It will bring it to our attention immediately.”

OK so if I could not control which related videos popped up, could I at least turn them off? Indeed.  All I had to do was remember not to click the “include related videos” each time I embedded the code for a video into a presentation or site and voilà!   No more porn!

Thank You Tube!


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