Friday, October 5, 2012

Traditional media ain't dead (yet)

Digital media and its marketing power clearly have the buzz and is the future for advertising and branding.  But as we all shift to more extensive and creative use of social and other digital platforms, we should be careful to not ignore traditional media.  A recent study by the University of Southern California Annenberg and the LA Times showed that trust in media sources remains highest in local news and newspapers, particularly in political marketing.  Older people especially still rely on tv and print publications and find them more influential.  So we may be fascinated by and love our websites, blogs, YouTube videos and Facebook, but some of our potential audience still consider old fashioned tv and print as the most critical trusted purveyors of information.  As always, we should be sure to engage our stakeholders where its most credible to be effective in marketing, and include where relevant tv and print in an integrated marketing strategy.

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