Friday, October 12, 2012

YouTube Adds Engagement Analytics

image from reported by Hypebot, "YouTube has started adjusting the ranking of videos in YouTube search to reward videos based on engagement as well as clicks."  (Check out YouTube Analytics)

As we know, Google provides users, namely advertisers, in-depth analytics tools for planning search and display campaigns and measuring their effectiveness, so it's only natural that YouTube would also offer similar insights.  It's important, however, that YouTube evolves in step with the rest of the digital video market which has long valued user engagement and time spent metrics as important benchmarks of video campaign success as opposed looking primarily at the volume of clicks or streams.  Thus, this move beyond click measurement as means of determining YouTube's video rank is a smart move in an industry that increasingly focuses more on engagement than the click, which continues to whither.  (It's a little on the older side (2008), but I think this whitepaper by comScore about the value of view-thru metrics is still relevant if you'd like to find out more "Whither The Click.") 

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