Saturday, October 6, 2012

Facebook Making Big Social Ad Pitch

The article above outlines how Facebook is trying to refine its digital advertising strategy to target customers more accurately while balancing privacy concerns. Facebook’s forthcoming strategy seems to be to tap into users’ interactions with friends on Facebook in order to harness the power of a personal recommendation, which is typically more compelling than even the most targeted of ads. 

The company is trying to change the perception that CTR is the most effective way of measuring ads and is encouraging ad buyers to measure impressions instead. 

It will be interesting to see how receptive the market is to this rationale. While Facebook’s strategy is entirely logical, adopting it may not be palatable to ad customers accustomed to focusing on CTR. With over a billion users, it’s certain that both Facebook and advertisers will continue to strive for ways harness the social network’s vast potential.

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