Saturday, October 6, 2012

Your Eyes as a Remote

Your Eyes as a Remote

Tired of losing your remote or forgetting your mouse along with your laptop?  Three guys in their mid twenties are working to make those problems of the past.  From a rather humble garage in Santa Clara, three former Cornell students are developing a technology that utilizes a VGA cameras to track and translate your eye movements into on screen actions.  The software known as PredictGaze allows consumers to control their laptops, e-readers, phones, and anything with a camera simply by moving their eyes. 

In addition to the obvious commercial use, could this technology play into online advertising?  Could engagement eventually be judged partially based on the number of Actual views an ad receives?  Although it is unlikely that this is the immediate focus of this new and exciting technology, I can’t help but see it eventually having a somewhat creepy roll in the assessment of campaign effectiveness. 

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